Distinguished performance in Research, Teaching, and Service, Faculty of Engineering Award, University of Waterloo, 2006.
Consultant, Telesat, Ottawa, 2006-Present.
Special session organizer on Data mining in health care, IASTED Modelling and Simulation Conference, Montreal, May, 2006.
Conference Session Chair, Optimization Conference, McMaster University, August, 2002.
Workshop Chair, “Maintainability and Reliability of Large Scale Object-Oriented Systems”, OOPSLA99, Denver.
Founding faculty member of the “Consortium for Software Engineering Research” funded by NSERC and Five Major Corporations in Canada (IBM, OTI, NORTEL, BELL, and MITEL), 1996-Present. (Total funding in order of $18 Million).
Consultant, Numeric Logic, Waterloo for their ASME Project on Solar Energy Time Series Modelling, 1999.
Member of the Faculty Committee that designed the Software Option at the faculty level available to all Engineering Department Undergraduates, 1998-1999.
Member of the Faculty Committee for designing the Environmental Engineering Program at the Undergraduate Level and currently a Member of the Board that manages the program at the University of Waterloo, 1990 - 1997.
Invited presentations at the University College, Galway, Ireland, Feb 1997 on “Reservoir Management”, and “C++ for Water Resources Engineers”.
Invited presentation at Technical University of Delft, Mar 1997 on “Why should numerical analysts know C++ and object-oriented programming?”
Member of the Program Committee of "Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering", an International Conference in Honour of Professor T.E. Unny, Waterloo, June 1993.
Dec 1992 - 1995. Consultant, Nipigon River Watershed Management Study, Atria Engg. Hydraul. Inc., Mississauga, Ont. (a study conducted for the Ministry of Mines and Natural Resources).
Aug 1991 - July 1992. Consultant for the project of "A study of Great-Lakes Water Level Regulation", initiated by the International Joint Commission for Great-Lakes Management and was co-ordinated by the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario (completed in July 1992). This project involved the development of a nonlinear network programming code to solve a large scale problem of approximately 7000 nodes and 70000 arcs, probably one of the largest nonlinear optimization problem ever "solved". (Reported in Levels Reference Study, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin (Final Report), International Joint Commission, March 1993).
Dec 1991 - Jan 1992. Helped design an Environmental Engineering Program for the Universidad de Corobobo, Valencia, Venezuela.
Feb-April 1991 - Visiting Professor, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Madras, India.
Jun. 1990 - Present. Individual member of the Institute for Computer Research, University of Waterloo.
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers Task Committee on "Variational and Probabilistic Approaches to Hydraulics", 1990.
Aug. 1988 - Aug 1992. Consultant for the development of barrier functions code for solving large linear/non-linear refinery production planning problems at the Process Control and System Group of Esso Petroleum, Toronto.